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The St. Pete Grow House
We are developing, "The St. Pete Grow House"
a wellness learning center.
The center will feature an interactive, innovative sustainability exhibit for children and adults to see and take part in organic and permaculture farming techniques, renewable energy, composting toilets and rain water catchment systems. We plan to operate a CSA system to supply organic food, including bulk buying to the community. Our goal is to have a teaching full serving cafeteria for community gathering.
There will also be evening and weekends workshops and classes focused on:
all elements of sustainability, organic farming, permaculture, foraging, food preservation, medicinal herbs and natural health care, renewable energy, composting, natural structures, water catchment, cooking, yoga, music, art, parenting, relationship and communication skill building, and healing arts.
This center will also provide living/studio space for 6-12 consciously peaceful artists and educators who will help to manage the property as functioning, sustainable community center.
We're offering a holistic, affordable, hands-on approach to sustainability education and personal and community growth especially for marginalized peoples and those in lower income brackets.
The center will also create a much needed support system in our independence-focused society that leaves many adults, children and families feeling so lost and alone.
With the help of our kind and cooperative community, we are
currently creating and soon will be publishing a promotional video to help share our vision of the community center.
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